4 Blood Moons

4 Blood Moons

Presuming that these four “blood moons” are prophetically relevant, then the remainder of the article will be devoted to what they might mean. As you read further, keep in mind that there will be no more “blood moons” occurring in a back-to-back sequence on Passover and Tabernacles for the remainder of this century.[5]
The Historical Precedent of the “Blood Moons”
Over the past 2,000 years there have supposedly been eight tetrads falling on Jewish feast days (see chart), but only five of them occurred on Passover and Tabernacles.[6] Among these five, the last three seem to have happened at a time when the Jewish people were unjustifiably persecuted by Gentile populations. In every instance they survived near-genocidal attempts in order to observe their feast days on schedule.
The Lesson of 1493–1494 “Blood Moons”
In 1492 Christopher Columbus navigated three ships—the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria—that were probably filled with affluent Sephardic Jews to safety.[7] Some believe that Columbus was also a Jew.[8] They fled Spain to escape the merciless “Edict of Expulsion” campaign of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. While heading for the West Indies, the Lord redirected these holocaust survivors to America. As a result of their discovery of this new-found land, they paved the way for a future safe haven for the Jewish people.
One of the God-given purposes for the existence of America was to become a safe haven for the Jewish people. Additionally, the U.S. was to be a beacon of Christianity to the nations of the world and to become instrumental in the rebirth of the Jewish state of Israel. These purposes are expounded upon in my DVD offered by Koinonia House, called America and the Coming Mideast Wars.
Pastor Hagee asks repeatedly in his blood moons book, “What was happening to the Jewish people at this time?”[9]
At this “blood moon” interval they were thanking their Lord for the following reasons:
  • They survived unjustified Gentile persecution,
  • They were divinely preserved through that persecution,
  • They found a safe-haven (America) as a result of the Lord’s protection,
  • They could freely worship their God and celebrate His prescribed feasts.
The Lesson of the 1949–1950 “Blood Moons”
The “blood moon” saga continues 454 years later in 1948, when the Jewish people found themselves again facing unjustified Gentile persecution, but this time it was from the Arab states listed in Psalm 83:6–8. It was the Arab-Israeli “War of Independence” and the Jews won, earning them the undeniable right as the victors to call Israel their homeland. So what was happening to the Jewish people when the “blood moons” of 1949–1950 occurred? Deja vu, the answer is that they were thanking the Lord for the following reasons:
  • They survived unjustified Gentile persecution,
  • They were divinely preserved through that persecution,
  • They found a safe-haven (Israel) as a result of the Lord’s protection,
  • They could freely worship their God and celebrate His prescribed feasts.
The Lesson of the 1967–1968 “Blood Moons”
Only 17 years later, in the summer of 1967, the Psalm 83 countries of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan unjustifiably persecuted the Jews again. Along with the overwhelming endorsement of the other Psalm 83 cohorts they attempted to eradicate the Jewish state of Israel. In this repeat performance the destruction of Israel was the identical goal from 1948. Israel won that war and nearly tripled its size at the time by capturing the Golan Heights, West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and the Sinai Peninsula. So again the pertinent question is, what was happening to the Jewish people when the “blood moons” of 1967–1968 occurred? At the risk of sounding redundant, they were thanking the Lord for the following reasons:
  • They survived unjustified Gentile persecution,
  • They were divinely preserved through that persecution,
  • They found a safe-haven (a Greater Israel) as a result of the Lord’s protection,
  • They could freely worship their God and celebrate His prescribed feasts.
The Lesson of the 2014–2015 “Blood Moons”
If this pattern of Jewish persecution, preservation and protection continues into the upcoming “blood moon” tetrads scheduled for April 15, 2014 (Passover), October 8, 2014 (Tabernacles), April 4, 2015 (Passover) and September 28, 2015 (Tabernacles), then what might occur?
There could be more unjustified Gentile persecution perpetrated by the Arab populations of Psalm 83:6–8. This oppression could manifest into another war intended to destroy Israel, but result in the decisive defeat of the Arab enemies by the Israeli Defense Forces, as clearly outlined in Psalm 83. As the ultimate victor, the Jewish state could capture even more land and increase the defensibility of its borders. Perhaps the world will witness the final fulfillment of Psalm 83 during this “blood moon” interval.
Psalm 83 in a Nutshell
For the unfamiliar, Psalm 83 is an ancient prophecy issued by the psalmist Asaph, who we are informed in 2 Chronicles 29:30 was also a prophet. The psalm predicts that the Arab states sharing common borders with Israel, and undoubtedly the terrorist populations within those countries, will form a confederacy that attempts to wipe Israel off of the map. Dr. Chuck Missler, Dr. David Reagan, Hal Lindsey, myself and many other Bible prophecy teachers believe that this prophecy could find fulfillment relatively soon.
The Plan of the Psalm 83 Confederacy
They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.”
Psalm 83:4 (NKJV)
The Goal of the Psalm 83 Confederacy
Who said, “Let us take for ourselves The pastures of God (Israel) for a possession.”
Psalm 83:12 (NKJV)
The psalm lists ten populations by their ancient names like Edomites, Ammonites, Moabites, etc. and the chart on page 15 identifies their probable modern-day equivalents. For more information about the Psalm 83 prophecy, pick up your copy of the Psalm 83: Missing Prophecy Revealed, How Israel Becomes the Next Mideast Superpower from http://www.prophecydepot.com.
So in conclusion, let me ask you the same question that I posed to Pastor John Hagee, “Have you considered the possible connection between the coming blood-red moons and the Psalm 83 Arab-Israeli war prophecy?”

Article  By Chuck Missler